Saturday, January 16, 2016


John 17:21  that they may all be one; even as You, Father, are in Me and I in You, that they also may be in Us, so that the world may believe that You sent Me.”

Little words can be so powerful…like “one” and “so that”… tiny words in a simple prayer, but they hold incredible weight.  Jesus is praying for us to be ONE so that the world will know Him.  Our witness hinges on a very small word indeed—one.  And Jesus prays this prayer knowing full well that single small word will encompass the church’s greatest struggle throughout the centuries.  Small word, but an epic task, a colossal battle that feels nothing short of impossible.  Be one?!  How miserably we have failed as the church in the world!  Is there hope?

I think there is.  I caught a glimmer of it last night as my husband Bob and I sat around a table at a local restaurant having coffee with another couple who lead a ministry in the Interlake called Safe Harbour House.  We talked a fair amount about unity and heard accounts of pastors and ministry leaders gathering to pray and support one another.  And sitting there listening to their heart’s desire to see that happen, so that a fire of revival will be lit in the Interlake, made it all suddenly seem possible. And why not?…with God all things are possible.  The seeds of unity have been planted in the Interlake and I am believing that we will see the Lord begin to grow that unity into a strong and beautiful tree that will bring healing to our land.  How mighty and expectant is the prayer of Jesus?  Let's join Him in that prayer!

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Prophetic Word, November 1, 2014

Prophetic Word given through Pastor Danny Shmelinski — November 1,  2014 at RESPOND

I want everybody to stand and lift your hands up, praise Jesus. He has a message He wants to bring out at this time. Blessed be Thy Name Lord God All Mighty. The Lord would speak and God would say, behold says the Lord:

Have I not come down this evening?  For those of you that took a step of faith, for those of you that moved out this evening—did I not anoint you?—maybe with a word, maybe with a sentence, what I gave you is my gift to you. It was packaged and it was given and yes it is my gift to you, says the Lord.  Use it mightily for this is the beginning. As you step forth you will see many more times that I will use you in this area but step forth in faith.  Do not be satisfied with small things—just one step—but take those steps of faith and rejoice for I will overflow through you and cause you to reach out and to minister in a special way.  It is a day of rejoicing today, it is a day of rejoicing, yes it is a day of rejoicing this evening!  For those that fear, for those that got one word or a sentence and feared to step forward, I say to you:  You are my servant, I gave you that gift to step forward, I gave it to you in love.  Do not leave this place with guilt.  Do not let the enemy seed fear into you.  I am not displeased with you.  I gave it to you from my heart and I want you to use it from your heart.  But tonight you may have been fearful and couldn’t step forward, unable to take that step of faith.  I am not displeased with you.  Do not listen to the voices that would try to heap guilt to you.  DO NOT LISTEN to those that say that.  The enemy will try to say you’re no good.  No child, you are mine. You’ve been handpicked, you’ve been handpicked, Everything I give you is a gift from my heart.  And if you will unwrap it.  You will step forward and bless someone, bless someone with that, bless with a word, an encouragement.

Says the Lord:
You are handpicked, you’ve been picked into this city. You’ve been established here.  I am putting together a team that will go forward. They will see miracles.  They will march through the length and breadth. They are going to trample the enemy where he has had dominion. They are going to trample him under foot. Doors are going to close shut where the enemy has been using them to go forth.  Those doors are going to shut and you are going to put the padlock on them.  For I have reserved you for this end time move.  You are reserved for Me.  You’ve been handpicked.  I have put you into this place and therefore I would say that I am raising up those that are going to lead this team into battle. I am raising those that are going to go forward and be bold with Me.  The Lord is now at hand for that battle.  The Lord is at hand.  I am not putting a tag on you. A am not putting a denomination on you. I am calling an army. They are going to come forward from every walk of life, from every denomination, because I look on the heart.  For I look on the heart, I’ve called you by your heart. I’ve called you by what I see deep in your heart.  There are hearts that are desiring to break free and see me work. There are hearts that are desiring and crying before me.  There are hearts that have a soft spot for those that are dying in the filth of this world.  I’ve raised you up to make a difference.  I’ve raised you up therefore I have given you from My heart to your heart—from My heart to your heart.  

Says the Lord:
Nothing is impossible with Me.  And nothing will be impossible with you, because I have given it from My heart to your heart.  It is a love gift not only to you but to those you will minister to.  You will give wisdom and understanding well beyond your years. You will know and understand what it is like to walk in the total leading of my Holy Spirit.  You will turn when I say turn.  And you will stop when I say stop. And you will jump when I say jump. But when you do it you will see others come. And they will say, “how did you know that about me?” and you will say, “my God told me, my God told me, there’s no secrets with Him.” 

Therefore, My child, this evening, be not discouraged.  Be not discouraged this evening for you have been called.  You have been chosen by Me.  You have been placed in the battle ranks.  The trumpet has sounded for Selkirk.  It has sounded on the walls.  The battle lines are drawn. The enemy is fearing you because he sees the army being raised up. He sees you and he’s shaking. He sees you and he is afraid. He sees you and he wants nothing to do with you.  He sees you and he is scared. Because you are My army.  Called to be My people.  Therefore I say to you, be diligent, My people.  Pray.  Know Me for who I Am.  Watch and see Me come.  See me wash over you. See Me. Do not separate yourselves.  Form ranks.  Come together.  Pray.  Intercede. And watch what I will do. 

Turning to the Worship Team:

Says the Lord:

I have picked a team. I’ve picked you to be the spearhead.  I’ve picked you to plow, and plow heavy. To plow straight.  And rip apart the works of the enemy.  May it plow to one side and to the other.  So that you will make the pathway wide for my army.  Therefore, I say to you, as you have been obedient to Me I will be obedient to My Word and I will bring to pass those things that you desire to see.  I will bring to pass because you have struggled and I have been there. You have struggled and you have fought, you have fought it out. I will be obedient to My Word, says the Lord.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Storms and Hawks and the Promises of God . . .

Today Pastor Danny gave us a message in a series he titled "Fear Not".  I am always amazed at how the Holy Spirit weaves a very personal word for me in every message that he opens up for us.  I am amazed, yet I have come to expect it.  After all, the same Spirit that is actively working in my life each week, is speaking a Word to our Pastor--a Word that is alive, relevant, active and powerful.  So I have learned to arrive at church with my ears alert and ready to hear what God wants to tell me.  As always, He did not disappoint me today.

This Sunday's message was about Paul sailing on a ship as a prisoner on his way to Rome (an account of which is found in Acts 27). We find the ship being tossed about by a storm, which the Bible says is "a wind of hurricane force", receiving a "violent battering" for many days. One can only imagine the sailors to be terrified for their lives and the account records that they had, "given up all hope of being saved."  Then Paul stands up and brings them the hope they so desperately need:  Acts 27:22-25 "I urge you to keep up your courage, because not one of you will be lost; only the ship will be destroyed. Last night an angel of the God to whom I belong and whom I serve stood beside me and said, ‘Do not be afraid, Paul. You must stand trial before Caesar; and God has graciously given you the lives of all who sail with you.’ So keep up your courage, men, for I have faith in God that it will happen just as he told me."

Paul gives them the only real hope that can come to them under the circumstances--hope in the the promise of God.  But they need to keep their hearts calm and still as they trust God to bring about His promise.  As the storm comes at them with continuing ferocity, Paul tells them in essence, "stand still, don't flinch, remain calm, simply trust the God whose promises always come true."  Paul tells them not to look at the storm, but to keep their eyes fixed on what God has promised.  I heard that message loud and clear this morning--because this was the second time God said exactly that to me this week.  The first time He spoke it through a hawk

Let me take a moment to tell you about that . . .
I was walking down the back alley behind my house this past Wednesday evening, right here in the middle of the city, and in the distance I see a large bird flying toward me at eye-level.  Now let me frame this story with the fact that I have been terrified of birds flying at my head for as long as I can remember.  In fact I would peg that as being on my list of three biggest (and likely irrational) fears ever in my life. Yet here I am with a large bird flying directly toward my face.  Then the strangest thing happened--I was flooded with what I can only describe as a supernatural calm.  As the bird drew closer I realized it was a hawk and all I could think was, "What's a hawk doing flying down my back lane?" and "Cool, a hawk is flyng down my back lane!"  No fear, not even for a moment.  It came surprisingly close to my face before it veered off to the left. I didn't so much as flinch or blink.  I swear I could feel the wind on my cheek as it passed by.  And then God filled my heart with His Voice, "This is what I want you to do: when opposition comes, stand still, don't flinch, remain calm and trust that I am working out My promise in your life."

How steady and powerful that word is on my heart today, after having heard it for the second time this week.  And so I say, "Let the storms come, let opposition come, let everything I once feared come, they will find me standing still and calm, waiting to feel the wind of the Spirit on my cheek as He covers me with His protective wings and brings me to the place of His promise. I am in good hands.  So are you.  Praise the One who can keep us calm in every circumstance!  Praise the God who fulfills every promise without exception and with perfect timing.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Victory in Jesus

 "If some have cause to celebrate, join in the celebration. And if others are weeping, join in that as well." (Romans 12:15)

As I go through life I have become more and more aware of the genuine need we all have to be part of a family. And I am increasingly moved by the privilege we have as Believers in Jesus to belong not only to the earthly family which we are born into, but also to the family of God which we are “reborn” into through Jesus. What a gift!

However, I am also increasingly aware that in either case what makes the concept of the family meaningful goes far beyond our birth or rebirth into it. In the end it is our shared experience that forms the bond and brings us that net of love and safety that our hearts all long for. It is the time spent walking alongside each other through thick and thin that makes the difference and truly turns us into a family. Joys and sorrows, ups and downs, times of grieving and times of celebration, good times and difficult times. It is the time spent traveling through life together, marking the way with milestones built from both the ordinary and the extraordinary pieces of rock that life places in our path that makes our bond unbreakable. This past Sunday we had a wonderful opportunity to mark and celebrate a significant and particularly victorious milestone in the life of one of our dear family members at the Interlake Full Gospel Church. 

This is Willa. On Sunday we celebrated her victory over cancer which began last August. She shared with us her trust in Jesus to bring her through this difficult battle in her life and how He was with her every step of the way bringing her triumphantly through it all. She is such an inspiration! To have this moment to celebrate this victory with her is a precious gift which we have all felt deeply in our hearts.

Way to go Willa! We are truly rejoicing with you and praising God for His goodness!

Saturday, February 15, 2014

God invites us into worship

God always rewards the genuine pursuit of His Presence by passionately pouring out His heart on us in increasing measure and with growing intimacy.  This is what Sunday morning is meant for. The People of God gather on Sunday, at churches all over the world, expecting that God will meet us there and He never lets us down. Not that we don’t expect to meet Him apart from church as well, at any time during our week and in any circumstance that may be going on in our lives. He is always available to His people.  But there is something special about that Sunday meeting and the experience of encountering His Presence in unity.

Somehow it seems important to remember as we pursue Him in that weekly meeting, that He has arrived first, like in all His dealings with humankind.  God first extends His hand in love, we respond.  Jesus first shows us love on the cross, and our hearts respond by becoming open to give love back to Him in worship. The Eternal gesture of love and pursuit always comes first. It is God who invites us to join Him in that profound Sunday encounter of worship every week.  He longs to meet us there.  After experiencing His faithfulness in that beautiful moment week after week as we gather at church, the heart begins to long for Sunday in the sweetest way.  To long for that sure and powerful meeting with the Lover of our souls who beckons us to draw near to Him, as He draws near to us.

If you are longing for a place to respond to God’s pursuit of you in worship and don’t currently have a church, please join us at the Interlake Full Gospel Church.  You will be sure to be part of a genuine encounter with the Divine heart in a safe and non-judging community of believers.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Faith vs Fear

Pastor Danny has been taking us through a series of messages titled “Fear Not.”  A very timely word for both our own little congregation of faith warriors and the world-wide Church as a whole as we wade through a world that is simply saturated with messages of fear.  Every day we are bombarded with news of storms of deadly and overwhelming proportions raging in our world, from killer viruses, to terrorism, to an ocean being slowly poisoned by radiation from the Fukushima nuclear plant.  And those are just the global threats that have risen against us, we also have to make our way through a mountain of personal dangers that range anywhere from threat of home invasion to the hazards of icy and snow-covered roadways that have real potential to end lives. Yet the dangers already mentioned are simply external threats, and don’t even begin to touch on the deeper fears of the heart...fear of failure, fear of abandonment, fear of rejection, and the like.

So much to be afraid of, yet over and over in the Word of God, we are told to “fear not”:  Joshua 1:9, Deuteronomy 31:6, Isaiah 41:10, Jeremiah 46:27, Joel 2:21, Luke 12:32, John 12:15. (These are just a small sampling of the scriptures that tell us not to fear, there are literally hundreds of Bible verses encouraging us not to be afraid!) Does God seriously expect us to be able to live out that command in today’s world and put away our fear altogether? I think He does. And I think it’s entirely possible.  A number of years ago, I would not have come to that conclusion, but something has happened in my own heart that proves the point—faith.  When we set ourselves squarely in the hands of God and genuinely allow Him to begin to reshape our hearts, something marvellous begins to happen.  Faith grows.  And as faith grows, fear begins to shrink.  

You see faith and fear cannot coexist, they are opposing forces.  And when faith rises up, fear is pushed out like darkness being overcome by the light.  Fear, in fact, is nothing but the enemy’s strategy to counteract the force of faith—because he knows how powerful faith will be once it takes over, and he knows that nothing can stand against it. Fear says, “God is weak, God can’t help you”—simple lies and nothing more. Faith expresses the truth of a powerful God who has already overcome even our greatest danger—death itself. Faith says, “nothing is impossible with God, the Lord is my shield and strength, God is faithful and trustworthy, nothing can pull me away from His love.”  Fear causes us to take our eyes off of Christ and see only the storm; like Peter walking on the water, focusing on the waves will cause us to sink.  Fear causes us to lose.  But faith, oh the power of faith!  When our eyes are fixed firmly on Jesus, believing fully in His power and victory, nothing can shake us. And faith will move the hand of God like nothing else.  I want to encourage you today to choose faith.  It’s as simple as that. Choose faith and watch the enemy flee as God rises up and scatters every opposition in your life.

Join us Sunday mornings at 11 am as Pastor Danny continues to stir up our faith and encourage us to step out in the confidence of the Lord.